Build in-house remote team
No matter if you are searching for an entire team or want to add a missing role to an existing team, we’ve got you covered. With our deep industry expertise & network of Caucasus top talents, Team Up can build your dream team in just weeks.
Hire freelancers remotely
Need to finish an important project on time in need of extra help fast? Get access to hand-selected professionals within 72h.
Employer of Record Service
Looking for a way to hire remote workers or teams safely with local knowledge & experience? Get access to our complete payroll, benefits, and compliance services for Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and 50+ countries across the world.

Talk to an expert
Contact our team-building experts today and share with them what's on your mind - whether it's about hiring or salary costs, we're here to help you.
You can reach us anytime via: hi@build-teams.com